Wednesday 22 March 2017

Thriller at Holyrood High School

A 'Thrilling' night at Holyrood High School by James and Sean

The Kirkriggs dance team went to Holyrood High School to perform their version of Michael Jackson's 'Thriller.'

This is the dance group in action!

James has a Zombie Football kit on!

The dance was so good that everyone cheered and clapped!

James said, 'It was like real Zombies were dancing. We had make up on and zombie clothes! The people were clapping and cheering for us. We were very good!;

Sean said, 'It was good because it was fun and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the dancing and watching the other schools dance. I like 'Thriller' it's a good song to dance to.'

It was a brilliant night and lots of people said that Kirkriggs was the school they wanted to see dance after they were so good last year. They were equally good this year!

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