Thursday 9 March 2017

Forest School Adventures Room 8 Day 3

Room 8, once again, had a fantastic time at Forest School in Linn Park!

We carefully built an outdoor fire.


We chose and cut twigs to use as "forks" for our marshmallows. We were very responsible in using large secateurs!


We split wood to make smaller dry kindle for the fire.

Time for the adults to light the fire!

After whittling our sticks, we cooked our marshmallows over the fire and enjoyed eating them!

We had some hot chocolate or hot orange and the adults had some coffee to warm us up.

Then Jackie and Fiona showed us how to put out our fire safely and correctly. They stirred the embers with a long stick to break the fire up, sprinkled water over it, held a hand over the fire to feel if there is still any heat, poured more water over it, and finally threw lots of wet leaves onto it to kill the fire off properly. We left no trace of the fire behind.


What a fabulous fun day in the Park!

Next week we can look forward to stories around the fire, making woodland animals and much, much more!

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