Tuesday 11 September 2018

Room 3 Technology and Softplay

This week room 3 made structures using blocks.

Rayyan made a castle.

Lexi made a blue tower.

Maye made a green dragon!

Jack made a tall tower.

On Wednesday we went to softplay. We waited on the blue chairs until everyone was ready.

When we got to softplay Lexi played on the slide.

 Maye ran around and went through the poles.

Then he went down the stairs.

Lexi tested out the nets.


Rayyan practised shooting the balls through the machine.

Lexi tried to climb up the slide.

Rayyan jumped down!

Lexi and Maye played on the slides together.

Rayyan and Maye are exploring different areas.

Rayyan likes to swing and slide.

We had a great day!

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