Tuesday 18 September 2018

Room 3 Construction and Sounds

This week we used magnetic shapes to make things.

Lexi made lots of pyramids!

Rayyan made a cube with different colours.

Maye looked for the shapes he needed.

Then he made a cube!

We practised our 'i' sound.

Lexi made the 'i' sound with playdoh.

Rayyan made an ink splodge using blue playdoh.

 Maye used his playdoh to make the 'i' sound.

 Then we practised our 'p' sound.

Lexi used the playdoh to make his sound.

Rayyan can make the 'p' sound with his playdoh too!

Maye is working really hard on his 'p' sound.

Well done room 3!

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