Monday 17 September 2018

A trip to the Post Office with Room 9

Recycling is a major part of Kirkriggs School's Eco efforts. Our school photo copiers use complicated cartridges which are posted back to be recycled when used. Room 9 took the boxes to the Post Office near our school and posted them back.

Not only is this a reinforcement of the need to recycle, but it also allows our children to get out into the built environment around the school and learn other things such as where and how to cross the road safely. They also interact with members of our local community and learn what shops and services are around them.

We gave the parcels out to the children.

We were one short so Shah shared one with James
We went up the road to the Post Office
Liam gave his parcel to the lady
Leon gave his parcel to the lady
James gave his parcel to the lady
Mazin gave his parcel to the lady
James gave his parcel to the lady

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