Wednesday 20 June 2018

Room 3 - 2017-2018

This year the children in Room 3 had an amazing time learning and creating new memories together!

We created spiders for Halloween and dressed up in our wonderful costumes!

We learned about facial features and used playdoh to show off our knowledge.

We used symbols and signs to help us communicate our needs and wants.

We used the Bee-Bots to follow the track.

We learned to count up to 20! 

We watched the snow falling out the window.

We learned how to work independently.

We were all in the school nativity!

We also dressed up for our school Christmas show...we were singing a Hawaiian song!

We used playdoh to make lots of different farm and safari animals.

We learned the names of lots of animals from looking in books. 

We practised our writing skills, now we can copy words!

We loved learning to count to 20 and finding the correct number of objects.

In gym we bounced and cycled.

We made collages of farm animals.

We fed the birds using a special bird food recipe.

We did climbing and balancing in gym too!

We learned to draw different animals and used stencils to help.

We used jigsaws in the mornings to help us with our sounds and numbers.

 We visited the farm and saw sheep, hens and baby lambs.

We cycled at Glasgow Green on a lovely sunny day!

We had a snack and water to keep us energised!

We used the skills we learned at Glasgow Green to practise cycling in the school playground.

What a fantastic year we have had!

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