Thursday 21 June 2018

End of a busy year

Room 5 have done lots of work this year......

We have made an a-z list of some of our learning and trips that  we have done this year -

A - asteroids                              J - jumping at Flipout                            S - symmetry
B - body                                     K -  kind to each other                            T - tsunamis
C - chocolate                              L - letter writing                                     U - Underground in Glasgow
D - determined to dance            M - muscles                                             V - volcanoes
E - earthquakes                          N - number                                              W - Willy Wonka
F - fitness                                   O - opening B & M                                 X - x-rays
G - Glasgow                               P - Poland                                                Y - Youtube channel videos
H - heart                                     Q - quizzes in Pupil Voice assembly
I - imaginative writing                R - running

Z - zzzzzz we have been so busy we now need a long rest over the summer.

The boys and girls are looking forward to summer!!!!!!!!!!

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