Tuesday 10 October 2017

Room 7 term 1 Adventure

Room 7 have had a very busy first term. 

Our first Positive Play outing was to the Transport Museum.

Shah said "It was really good!"

We celebrated Aman's 10th Birthday. ☺☺☺

We had a visit from the Animal man, Aiden said " I don't like the animals cause they are creepy". But Harris said "They are brilliant"

We all had a great  time at M & D's, Calvin Said "It was amazing"

We were very lucky to visit the Queensferry Crossing, Kacper said " We saw lots of trains on the Forth Rail Bridge"
Oops! wrong bridge Kacper.

We also helped with the opening of the new Castlemilk B&M's store. We helped cut the ribbon and served some of the customers. Calvin made a great welcome "Welcome to B&M's would you like a basket?".


We visited Rouken Glen one another positive play outing .

We celebrated Aiden's 9th birthday

We had a visit from the community police who were talking to use about road safety. We even got a chance to go inside the police car . Does Aman look fetching in the police hat?

We worked amazing as a team to complete the Glasgow Green Sand pit Adventure Park.  We all helped each other conquer our fears.

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