Monday 9 October 2017

Room 3 - First Term Fun

We had great fun this term doing lots of learning and activities!

Dejna touched lots of animals when the animal man came to visit this term.

Tiano enjoyed seeing the slimy snake!

Dejna, Jack and Tiano loved playing at Linn Park this term. They were outside every day on the swings and round-a-bout! 

The children made masks for their bear hunt story. It was sticky with all the glue.

The children used different materials and pictures to tell the bear hunt story. There was wool, sand and cotton wool balls.

Dejna and Jack went horse riding this term. They both had great fun every week and are learning how to control their horses.

We had great fun at M and D's for our school trip. The children went on lots of spinning rides and Tiano even went on the log flume!

Jack and Tiano did some baking this term. They enjoyed making their chocolate toast bears and eating them too!

Dejna learned how to play the guitar with Richard. She practised on a toy guitar and now she is using a real guitar to copy Richard.

Dejna and Tiano have been enjoying making pictures on the computer. Tiano made a character and Dejna drew lots of shapes.

This term has been so much fun for the children in Room 3!  

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