Friday 5 May 2017

The Eco Committee survey some changes!

The Eco Committee toured the grounds of the school this week to look at the changes going on. They were generally very positive about what they saw although one or two things still need to be done to make our grounds the sort of environment which stimulates the children and is kind to nature. Overall though the school grounds are a bright, interesting and very good place to learn and play. Not all urban schools are as lucky as we are to have such good grounds.

The back garden continues to evolve into a low maintenance learning area.

The big wall is in need of a mural to brighten it up!

We must organise our tools and materials better!

The Eco greenhouse needs a few repairs this Term
The boat needs a little care to restore it.

It sits directly on the wet grass which doesn't help.

The sensory garden is much improved

The children liked the coloured tyres
Proud of our Eco Flag but we will work hard to improve every aspect of our school!
Think global-Act local!

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