Monday 17 December 2018

Room 9 reflecting on term 2

Term 2 has come to an end and it has simply flown past. We took part in so many different activities this term. We've had a Party at the City Chambers, a trip to the Christmas Market in town, work at B&Ms, visits to museums, Positive play outings to various parks and much more. We also took part in lots of learning activities in class and the children can all point to progress made in important areas.

The children will now tell you their favourite activity in term 2 and illustrate it with a photo.

First it's Harris...

I liked it when we went to Hollybrook Academy. We did an assault course and it was good. Exercise like that helps keep us healthy. We met old friends like Mark, David, John, Ayman and Sean.

I like the trip to the Christmas Market especially the big toy shop. I was sitting with a big, big Teddy!  Aman

Well looking after a baby was fun. I might learn to do that for real in the future!   James W

I like playing in the park with Aman. He's my friend. I climbed up very high!   Shah

The Park was good. I was bouncing on the trampoline.  Jamie

Working in B&Ms was good. I learned a lot. It was hard work and I was tired after it.   Liam

The Christmas Market was best. We tried lots of different food and got sweets off the people. Then we went into a big toy shop. It was good in there I played with remote controlled cars.  James McC
We went to a big party at a hotel beside the river. I saw Santa and we were dancing a lot. It was good fun. Leon

When we were changing the baby it was so funny. I got marmite all over its face!  Mazin

As well as enjoying all the fun activities and outings, Room 9 also worked hard at improving their reading, writing and maths this term. They learned about World War One and explored that period across the curriculum in art, writing, song and reading. They learned about the important rules of keeping safe online and pushed on in Sum-dog and IDL. All in all it was a busy but productive and happy term for this great bunch of boys.

Huge thanks to our wonderful parents who are the prime educators of their children. Your support and help is, as always, vital.

So a well earned rest soon for staff and children then we'll be back in January to do it all again!  I wonder what adventures in learning 2019 holds for us all?

Have a great festive season and a very happy New Year from all in Room 9.

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