Monday, 10 December 2018

Looking after a baby with Room 9

Room 9 were learning about how to look after a baby and it was a very worthwhile and interesting experience! Changing a baby is an important part of keeping the little one clean and healthy and we were determined to have a go. Of course, we didn't used a real baby as our trainee parents aren't quite ready for that yet- but even with the doll it demonstrated what a hard job it is!

James was his usual calm, collected self and approached the task with confidence.
He did get a surprise though when he removed the nappy and found the teacher had been using Marmite to bring some realism to the task!
He wasn't flustered though and just got on with it. His friends found it very funny but James was not bothered at all.
Within a few minutes he had a clean, dry, happy baby!
Top marks for James!
Mazin used another doll and was a little nervous!
But he kept going and asked some good questions about how and why we need to keep babies clean.
He did have one mishap though when he turned the baby over....
Oh dear! Just as well is wasn't a real baby!
Leon found changing a baby is hard when you've got the giggles!
His technique was rather rough!
Harris and Liam found it very funny!

Much as this experience was a good laugh, it also served to show the class that feeding, changing and caring for a baby is a hugely demanding job. James figured that 5 changes a day is 35 per week, 140 per month and over 1600 per year! Add to that feeding, teething & broken sleeps and you'll soon see being a parent is a tough job! To think their own parents did all of that for them! 

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