Thursday 22 November 2018

Class 9 meeting new people and learning new things!

Today class 9 had a group of volunteers from Just Employee Volunteering in the class all day long. The children learned about the various food groups and how to prepare healthy food. There was much fun and laughter as our visitors interacted very well with the children.

Aman was choosing healthy ingredients for his sandwich.
Jamie was listening very well to his new friend.
Leon's first attempt at a Wrap caused much laughter!
Liam was his usual calm self and made a great snack!
James and Mazin were preparing a very healthy snack.
'Bill's Snack Bar' was very busy!
We played some fun games after our food.
In the afternoon we learned some traditional Indian playground games.
We learned how to play Kabadi, a very fast and fun game
We played 'Chain chasing' too.
The children had a great time
Soon they were all in the chain with only one boy to catch!
They were each given award certificates for their efforts.

It was a great day of fun and learning and we must express our thanks to all the great folk of Just Employee Volunteering. They were very enthusiastic, kind and supportive throughout. The children expressed their thanks to all of them. Thank you very much! 

आपका बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद  :-) 

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