Monday 18 March 2019

Leavers visit Hollybrook Academy

Our Primary Seven children visited Hollybrook Academy to take part in a science morning and get to know the place most of them will be going to in the summer. We saw some old friends who left Kirkriggs for high school last year and they put the children's minds at ease about the big move to secondary.

Ms Roberts gave us a warm welcome as always
The hall was laid out and ready for the activities
Leon got a very mild shock from the static electricity
James cycled a bicycle which in turn moved a blender to make a smoothie
Leon had a go too!
We met children from other schools who might well be classmates of the Kirkriggs children in August
Harris liked the sound-waves game.
Former Kirkriggs teacher, Mr Falconer was leading the activities!

This was a very good introduction to Hollybrook for our children and is just the beginning of an extensive programme of visits which will prepare our leavers for high school. They are all positive about their transition to Hollybrook and we'll do everything in our power to make it as smooth as possible. Exciting times for the P7s!

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