Wednesday 6 February 2019

Room 9 learning about Islam

Learning about Islam

As part of our Religious Education Programme we have been learning about Islam in class 9 this past few weeks. We are very lucky to have several Muslim children in class who not only tell us about their faith but demonstrate how to pray or handle artefacts like the Quran.

It's very important we teach our young to have inquiring minds but also to respect the beliefs of others. The more we learn about Islam, Christianity, Judaism and other faiths, the more we see that they share common values such as forgiveness, sharing, love and respect.

Mazin taught us how to handle the Quran
He even had a go at reading the Arabic text!
Liam read a section of the English translation.
Aman explained that a compass helps Muslims to pray facing Mecca.
Mazin demonstrated the way Muslims pray.
He showed us how a prayer mat is used.
He takes it very seriously and was a good teacher in this area.
He also showed us clothes a Muslim might wear on Hajj. (Pilgrimage to holy places)

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