Friday 11 January 2019

First week back for Room 9

Our first week back after the Christmas holiday has bee a busy one as Room 9 look to get right back into the swing of things. Our Topic will be the book 'Matilda' by Roald Dahl which the boys chose themselves after a discussion and a vote.

We have been pushing on with practical maths and developing the important concepts involved in addition and subtraction. We also looked at Islam and we are lucky to have Muslim children in class who are happy to teach us about their faith. We study all the great faiths in school and emphasise the things they have in common like love, forgiveness, sharing and other such values. 

Amam using counting figures to add.
Liam recognising numbers by touch alone.
Shah it touching the sandpaper number and using a multi-sensory approach to learning.
Now it's Harris' turn. Can he tell us the number is 65 just by touching it? Of course he can!
Leon playing 'higher or lower' with the big cards.
Mazin explaining that the Koran should be treated with respect and care.
He also demonstrated how to use a prayer mat correctly.
Aman explained the compass helps Muslims face Mecca as they pray.

All in all it has been a great first week back. The class is hard working and keen to learn. That attitude will serve them well.

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