Thursday 9 November 2017

Building Bridges and Working Together

Building Bridges & Working Together

A mixed group of children from across the older classes got together to build bridges and think about what makes them stable and strong. Such science and technology lessons are important as they develop the children's concepts of the built environment around them. They also build team work, planning skills, working together skills as well as honing language and problem solving. They split into three groups and decided with minimal adult support how best to build their bridges.

All it all it was a great success with three sturdy bridges being produced and solid learning taking place in a vibrant, motivated and fun environment.

Scott's group used more traditional materials for their bridge.
Michael knew it had to be strong and concentrated very well.
Strong pillars supported this bridge.
Aidan's group decided on a covered bridge.

Kacper had lots of good ideas.

They even built an off ramp!
The Lego bridge was very strong!

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