Thursday 30 November 2017

Science Can Be Fun

The after School science club is proving to be a real success with our children finding that learning can be fun as well as stimulating and motivating. Mr Marrinan and Miss Somers delivered our latest session and the group thoroughly enjoyed the practical experiments. Some tricky scientific concepts were explored using every day objects. We learned how to make and capture carbon dioxide gas, what happens when Mentos are added to cola and what static electricity can do! We also found out how to dissolve egg shells without harming the egg!

Woops! Sometimes surprising things can happen when vinegar and baking soda mix!

James using static electricity to move a cola can
Our wonderful Kirkriggs mums joined in too and were just as excited and involved as their children
James capturing carbon dioxide
Will it go pop?
It's getting bigger!
Liam and his mum inflated a rubber glove with carbon dioxide
We put a towel in place just in case!
James wanted a go at inflating the glove too
He was moving a bubble using static electricity
James was a great budding scientist & listened to instructions very well.


Tuesday 28 November 2017

Learning in Room 3

Room 3 have been busy this week.

We have been learning our numbers to 20. Jack did this jigsaw all by himself!

The children have been working independently on lots of different tasks. Look at how hard they are working! :)

Jack and Tiano watched the snow falling out the window. Hopefully we will be able to play in the snow soon!

Dejna and Jack spent time learning how to work the b-bots. They pressed the buttons and the b-bots started to move around the mat. It was really interesting! :D

Friday 17 November 2017

Room 9 Problem Solving

Room 9 have been doing a lot of problem solving activities this Term. This allows then to think about the skills and knowledge they are gaining in areas like maths and use them in other contexts. As well as real life learning in the community the group enjoy the challenge of problem solving in class.

Here they are working out the price of computer games and drawing on their knowledge of arithmetic to solve the problems. By putting these problems in a context the class find interesting, motivation is higher and the group interact well and support each other.

First they have to figure out what the question is asking of them.

Then they have to select resources and strategies
to solve the problem.

Then they need to explain their thinking and see if
peers would have done it any differently.

Problem solving is a great way to foster in the children a 'can do' spirit which is encouraged to give things a go and not to be afraid of getting things wrong. We often learn more from our mistakes and become better at solving future problems.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Learning through playdoh and talking - Room 3

This week we have used playdoh to learn the names of different body parts.

We made two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two hands and two feet.

 We used pictures to learn the names of  different clothes, food and animals.

We used our symbols books to help us ask for our snacks.

We can even tell Miss Glasgow how many pieces of food we want.

Monday 13 November 2017

Busy week in Room 5

Along with the rest of the school Room 5 had a busy week last week. We were bouncing at Flip Out and we also went to the Science Centre on Thursday. Chloe said that it was great fun and so did all the boys and girls.

Listening to the heart

Exploring the lungs

Seeing how fast we can run!

Watching a whirlpool

Deciding what to build

Thursday 9 November 2017

Building Bridges and Working Together

Building Bridges & Working Together

A mixed group of children from across the older classes got together to build bridges and think about what makes them stable and strong. Such science and technology lessons are important as they develop the children's concepts of the built environment around them. They also build team work, planning skills, working together skills as well as honing language and problem solving. They split into three groups and decided with minimal adult support how best to build their bridges.

All it all it was a great success with three sturdy bridges being produced and solid learning taking place in a vibrant, motivated and fun environment.

Scott's group used more traditional materials for their bridge.
Michael knew it had to be strong and concentrated very well.
Strong pillars supported this bridge.
Aidan's group decided on a covered bridge.

Kacper had lots of good ideas.

They even built an off ramp!
The Lego bridge was very strong!

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Fun with the Camera

Dejna had a go at using the camera to take photos around the classroom.

Here are some of the wonderful photos she took:

 Dejna took photos of Tiano and Jack having their snack in class.

Look at our PECS books. They help us to ask for our snack. 

Dejna took some pictures around the room as well:

This is our timetable wall.

These are some cutting and sticking pictures we have made.

What a fantastic photographer!

Friday 3 November 2017

Happy Halloween from Room 3

 We had lots of fun getting ready for Halloween!



We made spiders using paper plates and string.

We decorated the classroom with spooky decorations and tried on some hats and wigs!

Jack dressed up as a minion for Halloween!

Dejna was a beautiful princess!

Tiano dressed up as a cool ninja!

We loved dressing up for Halloween! :)