Wednesday 30 August 2017

A visit from Zoolab

Zoolab brought some interesting animals to the school this week. The children saw giant snail, a Boa Snake, a Bearded Dragon, a frog, a Tarantula Spider, some rats and cockroaches!  Ayman thought it was good. 'I wasn't scared to touch the animals' he said, 'I touched rats, frogs, the snake and the Bearded Dragon!'

Jamie and Jacob thought the snake was best. Jacob thought it felt dry and warm. Sean liked holding the giant snail and cockroach. John liked the Bearded Dragon which is a kind of Lizard.  Saeed was holding the snake and was a bit nervous.

It was a great experience seeing and touching these animals and the whole class learned new things about caring for animals, where they come from and what they eat.

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