Thursday 20 April 2017

Outdoor learning at Linn Park

We went to Linn Park and found that Spring has definitely arrived. The children in Room 7 really enjoyed learning in the fresh air and working together.

We drew a huge figure on the sand by the river.

We began to fill the outline with leaves and twigs.

Saeed was working on the arms

Everyone helped and worked together!

Emma worked on the head and face

She worked while the others were skimming stones in the river

She did a great job of the head! Well done Emma!

Later there was time for some good old fashioned fun.

Kulatein was ready for a rest!

Emma showed not only her artistic nature but also her ability to be
a leader and see a job through to the end.

It was a great afternoon out and everyone enjoyed it.

We even bumped into Aiyla who was with Mrs Martin and Mrs Russell

Aiyla joined in the fun and enjoyed throwing stones into the river.

Our outdoor art work needed no materials as we used only what we found around us in the park. The children learned to work together, delegate tasks, take leadership roles and all of this outdoors on a fine spring day.
Our art work was left for people to enjoy!

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