Thursday, 26 January 2017

Rooom 5 have been busy

The boys in Room 5 have been very busy.......

This week we have been learning about Robert Burns and are looking forward to our school ceilidh tomorrow.

Find out what we have been doing to celebrate Burns Day by........

Scott and Leon

Aman and Aaron

James and Mazin

 Shah - We ate potatoes and chocolate at Robert Burns Party. We danced to bagpipes.

Library Visit

We have been to visit Castlemilk library and we got read books and bring some back to school.

Room 5 enjoying their visit to the library!

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Room 1 - Our Names

We can find our own names on the wall and put them beside our pictures!

We are so proud of ourselves!

Friday, 20 January 2017

Award of Eco Schools Green Flag

Award of Eco Schools Green Flag

The School is delighted to announce that we have been awarded our Eco Schools Green Flag. The Awarding body, Eco Schools Scotland, were very impressed by our application and the many diverse activities we undertake in this very important area. They were particularly impressed by Community links, our recycling efforts, our Junior Awards Scheme for Scotland activities (JASS) and clubs such as Boccia which the school runs. They also commented very positively on the involvement of the children in eco issues and activities.

Our Eco notice board is the focal point for informing the children, staff and visitors on what is going on in the school in this area. We record here the amount of tins, paper, plastic, and other material we recycle each month. Since we have had the big blue recycling bins in our classes, we have recycled over 200 full bins of material! In the past that material might well have ended up in a landfill site but not any more.

Our use of ICT in class to track what we collect to recycle helps the children see real life contexts for using the technology to share information. There is real ownership of many eco activities in the school and children are quick to ask anyone dropping litter in the bin, 'Can that can be recycled?'

Every class has a blue recycling bin and just this week 8 full bins were put out for collection. Such activities are now built in to our curriculum and a regular part of what we do. Our journey to our Eco Schools Green Flag has taken the positive and necessary values of Eco Schools and embedded them into our school life. 

Our journey is not over though as we need to sustain and build upon the good things we do in this area. Already we have plans for further enhancing our school and protecting our environment. An Eco Schools News Letter is planned and will give parents and carers practical advice and information on how to better care for our planet by reducing, recycling and reusing things. We are delighted with our Green Flag Award but it has made us more determined to develop further our skills, knowledge and values in this vital area.

Think Global-Act Local!

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Room 1 Empire Biscuits

Room 1 made empire biscuits this week. We put jam on our biscuits and then topped them off with icing and decorations:

Then we had to wash the dishes...oh no!


Friday, 13 January 2017

Room 1 Drawings

The children in Room 1 drew some pictures before assembly.

Tiano drew a dinosaur and a snake:

Dejna used lots of different colours in her drawing:

Some of the children drew people and animals: